SuitPlay Help
Enter a suit combination
Type your suit combination in North and South. The characters for the cards are
A K Q J T 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Also "10" is allowed for the ten.
You may press "x" for irrelevant small cards. An "x" will be replaced by the smallest available card.
There are a few restrictions: the defense needs at least two cards and either North or South must have at least two cards.
Press "OK" when finished or "More" for advanced options.
Advanced options
There are four advanced options you can choose:
Number Entries to dummy
If you check this option, you are not allowed to lead from dummy (North), unless you have enough entries.
For every time you lead from dummy, you need one entry, unless you won the previous trick in the suit in dummy.
If this option is unchecked, there are no restrictions where to lead a new round in the suit.
Discards or ruffs
Discards or ruffs are cards from North or South you don't plan to play in the suit.
For instance, if you need three tricks from
without losing one
you can select the "2" as discard with this option. SuitPlay will play the suit as if North holds "A J 9" and South holds "Q 3".
But the defenders still have seven cards without the "2".
Number vacant places
You can use this option to change the probabilities of several distributions.
By default, both West and East have 13 vacant places.
If you know (from the bidding, for instance) that West holds 6 spades and
East holds 2 spades then there are 13-6 vacant places in West for other suits and 13-2 for East.
So specify West: 7 and East: 11 in this case.
Take care that there are always enough vacant places for all defenders' cards.
The default method to compare two lines of play is matchpoints.
With this option you can select IMPS.
Press "Set ..." to set the contract and the number of tricks you need from the suit
to fulfill your contract. SuitPlay needs this information to convert the number of tricks in the suit
to a score and compare scores to compute IMPS.
For more information about how lines are compared, see here
Last revised: 07/01/2011